Our commitment to health and safety, the environment and quality is essential to the success of Nix Engineering Group.
We are committed to establishing and maintaining a high standard of occupational safety and health for all personnel. We regard safety and health as the highest priority and are enthusiastic in providing our personnel with information and training required to perform their jobs safely. Our team is encouraged to actively participate in maintaining and improving current safety standards. We also recognise our responsibility to manage operations in such a way that environmental standards are stringently followed and impact upon the environment is kept to an absolute minimum. In addition to providing a safe workplace, our primary business objective is delivering a quality product and service. Quality management is a fundamental aspect of our business operations and allows us to maintain our standing as industry leaders. These HSEQ commitments are integral to our business operations and are embraced throughout the organisation. They are supported by policies, procedures and management systems compliant with standards AS/NZS 4801, OHSAS18001 and ISO 9001.